Friday, July 2, 2010

Summer Break



The summer is flying by and I find myself enjoying all the small moments that surround me. In the evenings I gaze at the storm clouds building on the horizon as the setting sun paints the clouds with vibrant colors.


I’ve been cheering on  not only my husband, but my oldest daughter, as they compete in Triathlons.

DSC03738I’ve been dreaming of baby booties, since my little sister is expecting her first baby around Christmas.

I’ve been writing and reading in the car, in the doctor’s offices, and during bath time.

But I’ve been absent from my blog and from visiting yours.  I’m hoping to catch up after the 4th of July holidays.  Sorry for my absence, but life is trying to fly by.  And I’ve been trying to catch and hang on to every little moment before it gets away.

Happy 4th of July everyone!

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