Wednesday, January 28, 2009
WFMW....My Sick Child Stash
Here is what I like to have on hand:
chicken broth
Ramon noodles
Sprite or Ginger Ale
I also like to have a little box of coloring supplies or books that they haven't seen so if they get to feeling better they have something they can do quietly.
I never let myself run out of these things if I can help it. My kids don't drink soft drinks at home except on special occasions so they know the Sprite is off limits. And everything else I just make sure if it gets low I replenish.
Anyway, this is what works for me. Head over to Rocks In My Dryer for more great tips!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
The Many Faces Of Little One

"Did you hear that noise I just made with my lips?"

"Hey Mom, I'm smiling for the camera."
Can we say mischievous?
Doesn't she look like she's about to whack someone, in a sweet sort of way?
Clean, happy, baby.
Okay, this is straight out of the pages of WB looks. I often roll over in the morning to see this face. Alright, maybe not in the morning. I get this look when I bounce into bed at night not at all tired after WB has been trying to go to sleep for the last 15 minutes and well, maybe I'm a little chatty. This is the look, how did she perfect it in her first week of life?!!

"Who? Me? I don't make all those faces!!"
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
As We Usher In A New President Think About This
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Monday, January 19, 2009
Memorable Moments Monday...
Pay no mind to my frizzed out big hair, that humidity in Houston always puts it into a sort of 80's shock, minus the big bangs!
And Little One graduated from her infant Kindermusik class! My parents were here to watch her graduation class so it was extra special. She was the oldest in her class so we have left behind many wonderful friends to move on to the toddler class. We had the first class today and I think we're going to make many new friends. But could someone remind her she is my baby and not supposed to grow up so fast!!
Little One proudly displaying her diploma, right in front of her face:)
Oh, and my sweet friend at The Fritz Facts rewarded me with this and I'm just now getting around to it, sorry.
The Lemonade Award.

Thank you for thinking of me!
This award is for blogs that show great attitude and gratitude.
There are rules:1. Put the logo on your blog or post.2. Nominate at least 10 blogs with a great attitude / gratitude.3. Link the nominees within your post.4. Let them know you have given the award by leaving them a comment on their blog.5. Share the love and link this post and to the person from whom you received this award.
And see I'm really bad about these awards because I love all of my blogging friends. But the following are who I think do a good job at turning lemons into lemonade.
Anyway, that's a few things that have been going on around here. How about you? Any memorable moments today!
Friday, January 16, 2009
Just Where Have You Been?

Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Works For Me Wednesday...The Ma'am, Sir Debate
Child #2- Yes, Dad I would like some more.
Which child is being more polite?
How about here?
Child #1- Yes, ma'am I had a good day at school.
Child #2- Yes, Grandmother I had a good day at school. Thank you for asking.
Child #1- No, sir.
Child #2- No thank you Uncle Sam.
For me both children are being equally polite and respectful. And you've probably guessed that Child #2 is the voice of my child and my own voice for that matter. Before I had children I had the experience of watching parents and children communicate as a teacher and youth pastor. And my conclusions were always the same, just because a child put sir or ma'am after a yes or a no it did not necessarily mean they were showing any more respect or manners than one that didn't. Sarcasm can drip from any word of the English language, as well as body language that puts any parents teeth to gnawing. Sometimes parents would get so caught up in making sure that their child was addressing them correctly that they completely missed what the child was trying to tell them. I am guilty of this!
Anyway, my point to all this is that what works for me is to follow the words my wise mother gave to me many years ago. I can still see her, head buried in the Tupperware cabinet looking for a wayward lid as I asked her why she didn't make me say sir and ma'am like my friends parents.
Turning to look up at me she smiled, brushed her hair out of her face and said, "The words you use are not nearly as important to me as to the way you use them. When you speak I want you to speak with honesty, respect, and caring. If you do that neither I nor anyone else will find fault with your manners."
So I've taken those words to heart. If my children put a ma'am or a sir into their sentence I'm great with that, but I don't require it. My dear husband has gone along with my way of thinking, although at first I think it took every effort he could summon not to blurt out "Sir!" when our first child would respond with a sweet , "Yes".
So that's what works for me, what works for you?
Head over to Shannon's for more!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Happy Dozen
It was through these doors I walked twelve years ago with my new husband and my new last name. It was also at this church we met, went to mass together while we were dating and the church we would be married at 2 1/2 years later.
But twelve years later I did. And my heart sung with joy as I watched three of my own little angels.
Little One taking it all in.
Soph showing her sister what leaves are!
We stayed and played for quite awhile. Even though there was a chill in the air, warmth seeped through my soul as I watched these three gifts God had given us. Gifts He knew we would one day have as He watched from above twelve years ago while WB and I stood at the front of that little church and said our vows.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Tugging at the heartstrings...
Last night Soph burst into tears on and off anticipating the separation. When it was time for bed both Em and Soph were hysterical. I think Em is just upset to be going back to school and maybe a little bit missing me! My dear mother climbed in between them in bed and tried to console them as I sat holding their hands. Truth be told I was ready to declare, "Never mind school, you're staying here with me!" I remained strong though and eventually they feel asleep.
This morning it went much smoother as they waved goodbye to me out the car window as soft drizzle rained down upon me. It was a gloomy morning, both inside and out. I felt like a piece of me was missing as I went about the morning. Little One has been irritable all day, but I don't blame her.
So I'm trying to look at this as a little vacation. But truth be told I'd rather take a vacation with my entire family, without the pain and guilt. Although, I am sure there will be plenty of interesting stories to be told as my girls go through the week with my father playing mom and WB filling in the gaps!! I'll let you know...
Thursday, January 1, 2009
WB's New Year's Eve Birthday
Here's WB with my little nephew and Little One. Stop, I'm not looking at this picture for one more second... It makes my ovaries tingle!