Monday, October 13, 2008

Memorable Moment Monday

Today's memorable moment was when Soph swam across the width of the pool during her swimming lesson today. It is hard to believe that at the beginning of the last summer she wouldn't leave the pool stairs much less put her head under water. Today I watched as she made several very determined attempts to swim freestyle to the other end of the pool. I smiled as I watched her listen to her teacher's instructions then bowed her head and with folded hands said a prayer. I watched as her little brow furrowed and her lips moved as she concentrated on her conversation with God. Suddenly she was finished and she took a deep breath and pushed off the wall. Her strokes evened out and became more fluid, which was just the boost she needed to push herself to the opposite wall. Her teacher jumped out of the water and gave her a high five. Soph turned to me as I sat watching her from the observation window and with a huge grin she waved. I gave her a big thumbs up as Little One clapped in glee. I can't even begin to tell you the confidence this sport has given her both in and out of the pool. It makes a mom proud!


Anonymous said...

Her dad is proud too. And if it doesn't stop raining, then her developing skills may come in handy...

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Soph. I am so proud of you. Keep up the good work.

Pat's Place said...

Wow! I AM impressed. She is really developing into quite a talented young lady. I am glad she is learning to swim so nicely. Maybe she will follow her Uncle and be a swimmer??

Small Town Mamma said...

Way to go Soph! That's fantastic - confidence in own abilities makes a world of difference.

PS - thanks for the tip on a few weeks ago. Naomi adores it - she loves M is for Monkey and whenever she sees the computer she points and calls out 'monkey monkey monkey'!