Monday, January 28, 2008

It's a Giveaway!!


**The winner is The Dukes Family, congratulations. Thank you everyone for particpating! Since this was so successful I plan on giving away more in the future so check back!!

*Comments are now closed I will be posting the winner shortly.

Look what's going on this week... a giveaway carnival!! I am so excited to be joining in this time. Since I love pictures I am giving away a 30.00 gift card to Shutterfly. I love this site. You can make calenders, gift items, valentine cards, and even books. To enter just leave a comment below. A winner will be randomly picked on Saturday, Feb.2nd. My friends across the ocean are welcome to join. Just check back here on Saturday to see if you won!

My Memorable Moments Monday Post is up right before this entry, be sure to check it out:)

Oh, and if anyone could help explain to me how to get the button on my post I'd be so very tickled!! * Thank you Linda and Jen, it worked!!


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Leone said...

Please sign me up for your giveaway. I'm new to your site and am going to spend some time checking it out!


Jessica said...

I love Shutterfly. They make great gifts!

Edi said...

I have a bunch of pictures waiting to upload...I'll wait a bit longer to see if I win. Thanks.

laurel said...

I would love to be entered. Thank you so much!

Gracious Gifts said...

Yay for giveaways!

The Fritz Facts said...

Count me in!!! Thanks for the great giveaway!!

Teddi said...

Shutterfly is awesome! Thanks for a great giveaway!

James & Aimee said...

I have so many pictures to develop...this would be awesome! Thanks for the great giveaway and good luck to all who enter!

Anonymous said...

I would love to be entered into this giveaway! As for the button, i guess you are referring to the Rocks in My dryer button? You get the code from her blog , copy and insert it in html mode. and that should be it :)
Thanks for a great giveaway! Welcome over to ours where we give away some blog design!

Jessica said...

I love Shutterfly!

Searching For Simplicity said...

I could really use this as I have over 200 pictures uploaded to Shutterfly that I can not afford to order prints for and number 4 is due to arrive soon!!

*~hj~* said...

thanks... please count me in!

Jen @ Rolling Through Looneyville said...


As for the button, you should have an option in Blogger to write your entry in HTML instead of rich text. Get the code for the HTML from Shannon's site and paste it where you want it in your entry...

That should work :)

Anonymous said...

I want that!

Katie said...

Shutterfly is my FAVORITE place to buy photo items! I would LOVE to win!! Thanks for the chance!!


ali said...

that's great

Wendy Sue said...

I love Shutterfly - thank you! :o)

Anonymous said...

Shutterfly is the best! Thanks, Michelle -

ohAmanda said...

Shutterfly! What a great giveaway. I SO need to do something with my digital pics!

Deb said...

I love Shutterfly - please enter me! :)

Beth Cotell said...

I love me some Shutterfly!

suzzcq70 said...

Shutterfly rocks! Thanks for your generousity!

Mrs. Gray's Class said...

What a great idea - we use Shutterfly a lot!

Mamacita said...

A friend introduced me to Shutterfly and I like it, too! Thanks for having the giveaway. :)

Liz Zelie said...

This would be so handy! I love uploading pictures.

Geri said...

I LOVE THIS!!!!! Fun, Fun, Fun!!! Please count me in !

Carrie said...

Please sign me up - I would love to get some pictures printed from the holidays with our families. Thanks for this chance to win something so cool!

jennwa said...

I love Shutterfly too. Please count me in.

Smockity Frocks said...

Pick ME!!! (I'm still trying to come up with something to give away....)

Jes@beautyfromchaos said...

oh great giveaway! I could use some pictures developed! thanks

Unknown said...

I've been wanting to try this website. Thanks for the entry.

Missy said...

Count me in!

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a really generous giveaway!

Erin said...

Thanks for the great giveaway!

Busch family said...

Thanks for such a great giveaway! I love doing fun things with pictures, calendars, etc. for friends and family.
Thanks for entering me!

Anonymous said...

I love making photo gifts, but have never used Shutterfly! I would love to win this! I have a ton of pictures that I need to have printed...Maybe this would kickstart me in gear! Thanks for such an awesome and generous giveaway!

CrystalGB said...

What a great giveaway. Please count me in.

HilLesha O'Nan said...

Thanks for the giveaway :)

Anonymous said...

could use this!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE Shutterfly! Love their photobooks especially.

forcryeye said...

I could finally print all of the photos on my camera!

jj said...

I love shutterfly. I've been working on making photo books for everyone in my family.

Shalee said...

Oooo! I know just what I'd order too...

mattie said...

yes...I definitely spend some time and money at shutterfly as well... mengels[at]hotmail[dot]com

Randi~Dukes and Duchesses said...

I've been wanting to do an album at Shutterfly - please sign me up. Thanks for hosting such a fun giveaway!

Katie Swaner said...

I love shutterfly's hardbound scrapbooks!

Natalie said...

I love their site. They have such creative ideas.

Unknown said...

I would love this. I sent my family photobooks of my kids for Christmas, from Shutterfly, but at the time couldn't afford one for myself. So, it is saved in my projects, and with this gift certificate, I could get it. :o)

jhebein said...

cool! thanks!

Jessica said...

I soooo need this! Count me in!

Candace April said...

I've been moving and have over 6 months' of pics of my baby girl to order! So, this would be super cool

please enter me: mamaluxe at gmail dot com

Aubrey said...

I also love shutterfly and have tons of photos there I'd like to print, since we moved and are slowly getting our house decorated.

April said...

Great giveaway!! Please count me in!

Pat's Place said...

Please enter me in your giveaway.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I would love this! Count me in!

Julie said...

Sign me up. I like their photo books!

Anonymous said...

Grrreat prize- I LOVE Shutterfly!

Anonymous said...

Shutterfly photo books make the best gifts!

Awesome Mom said...

Shutterfly gave me a super easy Christmas. Great prize!

Teri H said...

Count me in! Thanks!

Teri in CO

Darlene R. said...

great giveaway! Please sign me up.

Laurel said...

oh i love shutterfly!

Cathy said...

Nice give away.Please enter me.

Dragonfly Kisses said...

I love shutterfly and this would be great with all the upcoming birtdays I have.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the giveaway. I have two up on my site.

Teresa said...

I need this...I have so many pictures that need to leave my computer and make it into print. :) Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!

Fresh Girl said...

Please put my name in the hat! My email address is in my profile. :)

Anonymous said...

We LOVE Shutterfly! Great giveaway!

Susanna said...

I've seen some fantastic results from Shutterfly so was excited about this giveaway!

Allison said...

We love Shutterfly here!

Monique said...

Oh I've heard so many great things about Shutterfly! I'd love a chance to try them with a GC! Count me in!

cabesh said...

I love the Shutterfly products.

Wendy said...

Great giveaway:) Count me in!

Elissa Pugh said...

I just had a baby and am learning to LOVE Shutterfly!

Bree said...

Ohh- please enter me! Thanks!

Princess LadyBug said...

Oooo, pick me! Pick me! :)

Jennifer Beaver said...

I would love to make a calendar for my MIL!

Anonymous said...

Great idea! I could use it to make a memory book! I have been wanting to make one from please feel free to pick me. LOL!

Thanks for doing this!

KnittinChick said...

I'd love to discover Shutterfly in a cool way. Please enable me:-)

JCRandolph said...

I'm so addicted to shutterfly. Please pick me! - kristie

Anonymous said...

Great! Enter me, please!

Heather said...

I've never used Shutterfly before, but I'd love to try it!

Jeni said...

I've used Shutterfly, and I love it! Thanks!

Mary in MN said...

I have to get some pictures developed of our new baby... and I love shutterfly! Thanks for including me!

Anonymous said...

That would be super!

Kathy in WA said...

Thanks! I love Snapfish and have used it several times. I'm eager to try Shutterfly.

davec777 said...

Love love love Shutterfly. I did calendars for my family for Christmas and they turned out gorgeous =) Thanks for offering this.

Heather L. said...

I love photos!!!

hrlefebvre AT

Anonymous said...

Love your pictures, so precious

Great giveaway. Please enter me!

Thanks for having this contest!

Please visit My Store The Old Outhouse

T'aowyn said...

I have been wanting to create a project on Shutterfly.

taowyn (at) gmail (dot) com

Unknown said...

Awesome Please enter me.

The Chatty Housewife said...

I would love to win this because I really need to print some stuff!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

Stop by my place to win a bath set & candles or one of two copies of a book I'm giving away.

Laura @ Laura Williams' Musings

Teri said...

I love making gifts on shutterfly! Thank you for offering this gift in the giveaway!

Alana said...

I could so use this gift certificate! I have over 4000 photos in my iPhoto account right now that need to be sorted and printed...acck!

Saph said...

Oh wow, I could definitely use this!!! Please enter me!!

Alaina said...

Great giveaway! I can think of many picture things we would use it for!

Marilyn@A Mixed Bouquet said...

Wow! This is great. Thank you!

Emily (Laundry and Lullabies) said...

I'm in the process of putting nearly three years of digital photos into albums - this would be wonderful!

SimplyBillie said...

What a great giveaway! I'd love to participate!

Mystnrayne said...

Please enter me, thanks so much.

Michelle said...

with a baby on the way I could sure use a photo gift card!

In His Grip said...

I have been trying to save up money for Shutterfly to buy and album I have already created on there. This would be so helpful.
Hope to win.

Momof4 said...

I'm a scrapbook-aholic, so I could really use a photo gift card. Thanks for the chance to win! :-)

Mommy said...

Please count me in your contest. Thank you for offering such a nice prize! :)

Small Town Mamma said...

Love this idea - count me in for your giveaway. And I will have to think of something to do same with, myself!

Amanda said...

I love Shutterfly too! i could use getting my scrapbook pages printed! please enter me! :)

Anonymous said...

Count me in please!

Rebecca said...

please enter me!
rebeccagillespie at

krista said...

i love shutterfly and would be thrilled to win :) count me in!

shimmala said...

I love printing up pictures of my girls! Hope I win!

Anonymous said...

I love Shutterfly!!!

Owner said...

i love shutterfly, it's such a great site. almost all my pics are on there.

Tricia said...

Count me in. Thanks!


Susan said...


Wow, what an awesome gift. Please count me in!


Traumajunky said...

Great prize. Thanks!

Christa said...

I have several hundred pictures that still need developed, so count me in!

And sorry I can't help you with the button thing - I couldn't figure it out, either! I just put it in my blog's sidebar for the week. :)

Sheila said...

I just started with shutterfly! Thanks for your giveaway!

Heather said...

Oh wow, so cool! Please count me in!

Anonymous said...

love shutterfly!!Thanks for a great giveaway!

Liza on Maui said...

I can do a Valentine Project - please count me in

Melissa~ said...

Shutterfly is my fave! Photies are just waiting there for me right now!

Thank you!

Pink Paper Peppermints

Erin said...

Awesome idea for a giveaway! Love to win this one!

Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

Oh! I hope I win!

Nancy Sabina said...

I didn't get to do Christmas cards this year, so I plan to do Valentines cards - this would be perfect.

Melissa said...

Very cool! Count me in and thanks for hosting!

TX Mom said...

Count me in! Thanks!

Shannon said...

It's almost like you knew how many pictures I have yet to print off...that need to be properly remembered!

Great giveaway!

Dawn said...

I love to share Baby pics with the grandparents. This GC would be perfect!

Anonymous said...

Count me in, please!

rookiem at live dot com

Lacey said...

I have a ton of pics on there that I need to be printed out or made into books! Oh, I hope I win! :)

Lacey - AL

Britni said...

This would be great!!

Tina said...

Please sign me up for your giveaway. . I am new to this, so I will leave my email. . incase it doesn't show up :).

Anonymous said...

I would love to print out valentines day cards with my daughters photo, count me in!

Dancing Daisies said...

Oh I love Shutterfly!! THanks for chance to win.

Lissete said...

Love Shutterfly! Count me in please.

As for the button, you can either insert the code right in your post or in your template. Just copy and paste. Easy Peasy. Ido all my blog stuff by trial & error! :)

Carrie said...

I've been wanting to do a book for each of my girls' first year...and just haven't gotten around to doing it. This would definitely motivate me!

Katie said...

Awesome! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I take so many pictures and love shutterfly! I'd love to make some photo books!

Anonymous said...

I would love to make a photo book.

Carrie said...

I too love Shutterfly!

Qtpies7 said...

I love Shutterfly! And I have graduation coming this year, I need some pics!

Anonymous said...

shutterfly is great i use it often!thanks

cmay said...

love shutterfly!

Susan said...

Thanks for the giveaway.

Debbie#3 said...

Nice giveaway!

Unknown said...

I love shutterfly. Thanks for the giveaway!

Kierra said...

thanks for the giveaway!

Brandi said...

Shutterfly's great! Thanks!

Re said...

Great contest! I want to win!!

Brooke said...

Love making thigs on Shutterfly! Thanks!

The Conn Crew said...

OMG! I love shutterfly. I love shutterfly. Did I tell you that I LOVE shutterfly???

ETXmomof2 said...

Please add me

jayedee said...

great giveaway! please throw my name in the hat! good luck everyone!

Jacinda said...

I love shutterly! What a great giveaway choice. Count me in please.

Rebecca said...

great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Sounds Great
Enter me please for the giveaway!

Team Zachary said...

I have a serious photo taking addiction! I could use some printing assistance :-)

So very cool - thanks for offering such a great giveaway! That is very generous of you!!! Good luck to all!

LadySnow said...

I have always wanted to try shutterfly!

Amanda said...

I love Shutterfly!

Angela said...

I *heart* shutterfly!! what a perfect prize!! please enter me!!

ahiltz said...

Oh, I hope I win! I have been dying to try Shutter Fly out! Thanks so much for doing this!

Always Faith said...

way cool! i LUV shutterfly! enter me please! thanks

Anonymous said...

Thanks for entering me!

Fiddle D. Dee said...

I would love to be entered! Thanks for the offer!

Sarah W. said...

I always make my mom a photo calendar on Shutterfly. This year, its not in my budget. But I could totally use this to make it! Thanks for entering me.

My email is

M.E. said...

OOh, awesome giveaway! I'd love to make one those cool calendars. Enter me, too!

Rachie S. said...

GiBee said...

What a GREAT giveaway prize! Thanks for the opportunity to enter your drawing!

you da mom! said...

i see you got the button working! i'd love to be entered in the giveaway! what an awesome prize! thanks.

Genevieve P said...

I so need to print pictures!

Anonymous said...

Shutterfly has some fun things!

Bebemiqui said...

Great giveaway! Count me in.

Amanda Moore said...

This is such a great gift! I love taking pictures so this would be perfect for me to purchase my photos.

Emily said...

I would put this to VERY good use! Thank you!


Unknown said...

I have an 8 month old daughter. We could definitely use this! Thanks!

tlcfromtn said...

I love Shutterfly! Thanks for the awesome contest!

Superdumb Supervillain said...

great giveaway, thanks!

Anonymous said...

I've seen that site before but never ordered anything. This would give me the perfect opportunity.

anislandlife at yahoo dot com

An Island Life

Lindsie said...

I've been wanting to try a photo book from shutterfly. I've heard so many good things about them!

Lindsie said...

I've been wanting to try a photo book from shutterfly. I've heard so many good things about them!

Becky said...

I am wanting to use shutterfly for my thank you photo cards after my wedding so this would go to great use.

Hélène said...

Please enter me.

Peggie said...

What a creative giveaway! Thanks for entering me

Fratzels said...

Shutterfly is great! Thanks for doing this!!!

Anonymous said...

As a first-time mother of a four-month old, I have invested a small fortune in online photo developing recently. This would be great!

Kyra said...

Great Giveaway! Very creative!

Rebecca said...

Oh please count me in. Great prize.

Steph said...

So generous of you! Please count me in! stepfh at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

wow - have lots of uses for this!

Anonymous said...

Please count me in! I would love to win. neilsenjm(at)hotmail(dot)com

Hootyboosmom said...

Cool gift! Thanks for offering!

Kristi said...

Great idea...please count me in

Ginny said...

I've been working on getting all of my digital prints printed up & had to take a break for financial reasons, lol. Love to win this!

*carrie* said...

Yay--what a fun prize! I think those photo books are so cool.

Anonymous said...

great, count me in!

Amanda said...

I'm working on a photobook now!

Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

Hope I win

Anonymous said...

I love me some shutterfly!! Thanks for including me!

Jenna Z said...

Awesome prize! Thanks for the chance to win!

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