Wednesday, August 27, 2008
WFMW- Cooler Luggage
For more great tips head over to Shannon's!
Monday, August 25, 2008
First Day of School-MMM
Friday, August 22, 2008
My Secret Plans
And wouldn't that just look so quaint right here:
Do you see that mowed piece of land where the light is shining? That's the spot.
See, it's beyond our gardens and down by that little grove of mesquite trees.
Now the funny thing is I haven't really mentioned it to WB. Well, except for: "How about we build a guesthouse?" or "I'd really love to have a little writing studio somewhere." or "Look honey, our new neighbors are building guest quarters, what a great idea!" But last night I briefly mentioned my secret plans. I sort of waved my hand in the direction of where we might put a guest house. And today I let him finish up the mowing (yes, I love to mow) and when I looked out our upstairs bathroom window I screeched. He had mowed a large square just exactly where I want to put the house. We normally leave that side of the property unmowed except for a few little "nature" paths. I tripped and jumped down the stairs to find him.
"How did you know that is where I wanted to put the house?" I asked him while taking big gulps of air.
With a knowing smile he just shakes his head, "Well, I just knew."
And you see that is why I love this man. The house may never get built, we may move in two years, our parents might think we're crazy to even suggest such a thing, who knows. But that little plot of mowed grass tells me that he not only listens to my dreams, but he wants them to come true. Even if he does sometimes roll his eyes at me when I come up with such plans:)
Random Tag
1. I just got back from the ear doctor and found out the eardrum that has been sucked back into my head for the last several years has now developed a hole in it. Which, I believe is a pretty random occurrence.
2. I talk to myself. Soph has confessed to me several times that she does this. Sometimes she's talking to dead people and dogs, sometimes herself. Before you call social services the dead people she "talks" to are my grandparents and Champy. Anyways, I do this too, so I am not alarmed.
3. I make up plots in my head constantly. It's the writer in me but every odd character, any weird or even everyday occurrence I come across has a story. The poor toads in our garden even have their own little fable. Now sitting down and actually getting to write it is a different story.
4. I've just learned how to text, yes really!
5. I hate sleeping on my stomach.
6. I hate diet drinks. Give me a coke or a caffeine free coke and I'm good to go, but please don't ask me to do the diet thing, yuckeeepoo!!
Okay, instead of tagging six of you I'm going to ask anyone who wants to to please join in. Just let me know so I can read your randomness.
Thanks Amy for tagging me!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Horny Toads...An environmental tale!
I mean look how cute he is, in a lizardly kind of way.
Actually, his little beady black eyes look very intelligent and watch you as you press your nose close to his face. He lets you hold him and seem to be as curious about you as you are about them. I'm going out on a limb here, but I think they are sweet and would make a great pet, if that was allowed, but it isn't. I think the Horny Toad Patrol or someone would come to your door and demand it's release. This probably would come with a fine and public humiliation. Who knows, you might even be forced to deal with some governmental agency and you know how I love those experiences! I can't take the risk of any of that happening.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Give-Away Winner and Dancing Fairies
She counted out the number using her breakfast raspberries. So the winner is number four , who just happens to be my friend over at The Fritz Facts! If you'll just send me your address I'll get this right out to you. Thank you to all who entered and I loved reading about your useful tools, gave me some ideas.
had to deal with this mischievous, out-of-control fairy.
So the good fairy dusted off her wand
spun around and around chanting "No, no Sissy."
While the third fairy ran from the paparazzi refusing to comment on the whole situation.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Frugal Friday- Getting the Most out of 2 for 1 Sales
And I always leave the store feeling like I'm actually putting those math skills to use, the ones that almost kept me from graduating from high school!
That's my frugal tip for this Friday, head over to Biblical Womanhood for more great tips!
Don't forget to sign up for my give-away!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Listen to This!
Thankfully, no one told them they were not cute enough to perform in front of the crowd!
Don't forget to sign up for my give-away!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Hanging Shelves And The Give-Away
This is the look he gives when asking, "Like this?"
Now he wouldn't have to look at me that way if he had used my give-away. Actually he has one but he does not consider himself horizontally challenged so he doesn't use it. But I find it very handy. It's.....
And it's wonderful. It sticks to any surface and projects a red laser line across your wall up to 50 ft. Just stick it to your wall and hang away, easy and fast.
So here's the deal. To enter just leave a comment telling me what tool helps you out around the house, because I'm sure if I don't have it I need it! If you don't have a blog that is fine just leave your e-mail so I can contact you. I'll draw a winner on Saturday morning!
Monday, August 11, 2008
MMM- Breakfast in Bed
Any who, I really expected Soph to crawl into bed with us and toss and turn and thump on the bed until the baby and I were fully awake, but she didn't. A half hour later I heard Soph and Em coming up the stairs. When they entered my room they were carrying a tray with breakfast on it. Soph had even put a little heart vase with a yellow flower in it that she picked from the front yard. They had made cinnamon toast (toasted bread and sprinkled cinnamon sugar on top) and leftover waffle. They know not to use the stove or oven without me so they always get creative. I say always, because they have done this before. Sweet cherubs, aren't they?
"Soph said you had a rough night so we made you breakfast", Em told me.
"I picked the flower", Soph smiled sweetly.
"Thank you" I whispered, "You are both so sweet."
I chewed my lukewarm waffle and chilled cinnamon toast, it tasted better than anything I could have gotten at a five star restaurant.
"Mom, you'll have to make us breakfast when you come downstairs because we gave you the last waffle." Em lets me know with a grin.
I finish chewing and smile. "Would you like to finish mine?" I ask.
"Alright." They both giggle and take my breakfast away to eat as I wait for Little One to rouse.
Ahh, the joy of parenthood.
That's my memorable moment for this Monday, do you have one you'd like to share?
Tomorrow I will post my give-away, yee haw!!
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Congratulations Mark!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Big Bummer
Poo, double poo...The bright side is they will offer the class again in the Spring and I will be at my keyboard first thing as soon as registration begins to get her enrolled.
Did I mention our washer went out. Yes, because I have loads of laundry and company is coming tonight. Isn't that always the way?!! But I found a deal last night and WB and I brought home a new washer. He hooked it right up and I've been doing the wash ever since. He's such a handy man to have around.
Lastly, I've been working on a give-away! This is one that will come in handy for you and your hubby and anything you may have laying around that needs to be hung. So keep checking it will be coming up in the next few days, I promise:)
Okay, I'm off to crawl under the bed and maybe clean out some cobwebs while I'm at it.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
MMM- Making Doughnuts
Fried them up in our iron skillet. These were the donut holes.
This is when a little fryer would be nice because regulating the temperature on an electric stove in a pan is not so easy...some turned out browner than others.
We sprinkled them with cinnamon-sugar and in Soph's case some icing. Then they gobbled them up!
We found the recipe for Salvation Army Doughnuts and made the revised version. We didn't need 250 doughnuts this morning! There is a neat history behind this recipe and I always like to sneak in a little learning when my kiddos least expect it.
Sunday Morning Blessings
I'm just looking at his legs...and I'm thinking I need to take up bike riding to get some shapely calves.
Our Sunday morning blessings!
Saturday, August 2, 2008
My New Nephew
Friday, August 1, 2008
Barn Raising
Anyway, we started this project when the fall weather was beginning to get unpredictable. So for one weekend it was so cold and the guys were so bundled all I could see was their eyes peeking out from under their caps. And the weekend we estimated it would take to raise this barn, stretched into a month of weekends.During my marriage to WB I have become very familiar with chalk lines and the "staking of future projects". Here one of WB's coworkers and friends helps to lay out just where the concrete will be poured for the foundation. We decided on a sort of pier and beam approach, I believe.
That red thing is called an auger and it drills down into the soil. In this case it took two men to handle it, which was entertaining to watch. This was used to make holes to pour our concrete into for beams. See, I've learned so much...
Then the floor was laid. I believe this was done in one weekend. Two of Scott's coworkers came this weekend to help us out. Thank Goodness!! Did I mention I was pregnant during this time, so I was on kitchen duty.
There's WB in his tool belt, wears it well doesn't he...Okay, working a whole day, a team of six engineers managed to get the frame up. Now, I might have been setting my sights a little high, but I expected some walls to be up at least after all that work.
That evening our next door neighbor came over to give some help. It was just him and WB and they worked maybe an hour or two. I'm sorry to say this to all those engineers, but in two hours they accomplished more than the engineers did. Don't worry I still love you guys. You worked hard, you ate my food enthusiastically, and were very sweet! And no our neighbor is not in construction, he's a CSI Detective, go figure!And finally a couple more weekends and waa laa it was finished! It made me feel all warm and fuzzy knowing so many people helped to raise the walls on our little red barn. And remember I was pregnant so I might have even shed a tear or two.